The “red pill” sphere of influence on young, spiritually malnourished men is epically mistaken and misdirected, writes Harrison Pitt in The European Conservative. The movement’s rhetoric of (often limitlessly promiscuous) self-actualization is founded on thinkers like Nietzsche, Machiavelli and Darwin and is not, Pitt warns, grounded in traditional (and conservative) virtues like duty, self-sacrifice, piety and service.
Disorder Begets Disorder; A Case for Broken Windows Policing
In the City Journal, John McMillian revives the case for the “broken windows” theory of policing, which emphasizes dealing with minor offences such as disorderly behaviour because, if left unpunished, such violations beget more and worse crimes. McMillian retells the history of broken windows’ stunningly successful implementation in New York City in the 1990s – and calls for the policy to be applied once again.