In Law & Liberty, Bruce Gilley uses the bankruptcy of Spirit Airlines as a case study for the devastation when Marxist ideology, union greed, government bullying, bureaucracy, uncontrolled litigation and crony capitalism coalesce into what Gilley terms the “predatory” economy. The wresting of rights from shareholders, entrepreneurs, owners and managers, Gilley argues, has effectively nationalized the U.S. economy.
Javier Milei Shows how it’s Done
The “chainsaw” taken by Argentina’s new-ish president, Javier Milei, to his battered nation’s bloated bureaucracy, catastrophic finances and – perhaps most important – failed leftist governing dogmas has worked magic. As David Harsanyi notes in Jewish World Review, Argentina’s public service has shrunk by tens of thousands, the budget is nearly in balance, inflation has plunged, trade is reviving and wages are inching up. The lessons for Canada and the U.S. are clear.